About TOPSoccer

What is TOPSoccer?

TOPSoccer is a program for athletes with intellectual, developmental, emotional, and/or physical disabilities to play soccer in a safe, fun, and inclusive environment supported by volunteer peer buddies.

Our goal is for EVERYONE to have a chance to play, have fun, and build friendships!

Who is a TOPSoccer Player?

A TOPSoccer player is anyone 4 years and older with a disability.

Who is a TOPSoccer Buddy?

A TOPSoccer buddy is a partner to players on the field. They are 12 years and older. 

What does a TOPSoccer practice look like?

Players are grouped by soccer skill level. Upon arrival, they are paired to play with a volunteer buddy. During practice, players will learn soccer terminology, develop soccer techniques, participate in practice  drills, and utilize their soccer skills in scrimmage games. 

Players and buddies are supported by adult coaches who lead the session.

What disabilities can TOPSoccer be adapted for?

All disabilities!  Practices can be adapted so that EVERYONE can play.  Adaptations include wheelchair attachments, multiple communication modalities, visual supports, behavioral coaching, and more!

We will work with the player and their family to find what works best for each individual.

Salmon Creek TOPSoccer

Field Location:  Salmon Creek Indoor

110 NW 139th St
Vancouver, WA 98685, US

© 2025 Salmon Creek TOPSoccer