Player Information
If you have any questions, please send us an email.
Current Season Details
linked here
You can sign up for our newsletter to know when registration opens.
When full we will have a waitlist.
Sign up for our email list for the latest updates.
Medical Releases: info including links to
upload medical releases
are included in the emailed "newsletter"
Where: Salmon Creek Indoor
110 NW 139th St
Vancouver, WA 98665
Player Cost: $35
Cash or check made to CYSF
T-shirts are available to order. They are optional.
The web store will open a week or so before the start of the season. It closes the Friday of the first week of practice.
Use the button below to order once the store opens.
We are not able to accept late orders.
SCTOPS Affinity Registration Link
After registering, fill out and upload your medical release.
Adult Player SafeSport Waiver
Medical Release
Upload link for Medical Releases
will be sent to registered players.
Please upload a medical release for EACH player. Thank you!